HomeLily J. Makes - Jewellery & Homewares Handmade in London

Makes | 20 Sep 2022

Custom Birkin Jumper

I'm going to start off with one of my favourite makes, which started in May 2020. I fell in love with the colourwork pattern of the Birkin jumper, but I knew that while the pattern was chunky and oversized, that style wasn't for me at the time. I decided to fit the body using the shaping instructions from my recent Honey Bop cardigan, which fit exactly how I wanted. This meant decrease rows to bring in the waist and then increasing again for the hips. I also adjusted the sleeves using the same method, to bring them in as fitted sleeves.

Here are some progress photos!

Starting the yoke, very excited by the pattern taking shape.
Finished the yoke (aka the exciting part).
The body, finally complete

And here it is, the finished jumper! I finished it on a weekend away in October 2020. I love this piece so much, and I'm so glad autumn is here again so I can wear it.